Bharat Rashtra Samithi leader K Kavitha will have immunity from interrogation by Central investigative agency Enforcement Directorate till March 13. The Supreme Court, following a petition by her, extended relief. The 45-year-old, who is also the daughter of former Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao, is wanted for questioning in connection with the alleged Delhi liquor scam.
In her petition to the top court, Ms Kavitha had said that she should be interrogated ta her home. Women have the right to privacy and cannot be called to the ED office, she had contended.
Last week, the Central Bureau of Investigation had asked her to appear for questioning, which she had skipped citing multiple "pressing" public engagements and the petition pending in the Supreme Court.
It was the second time the BRS leader skipped summons for questioning. She was questioned last by the Central agency in December 2022.
She went to the Supreme Court in March last year, seeking relief from questioning by the Enforcement Directorate. The court had granted her a temporary reprieve, which was extended today.
The Central agencies have alleged that Ms Kavitha is part of the "South Cartel" that benefited from kickbacks in the liquor policy of Delhi, in which Aam Aadmi Party leader Manish Sisodia has been arrested. The policy was withdrawn after a political storm.
The CBI contends that liquor companies were involved in framing the excise policy, which would have brought them a 12 per cent profit. A liquor lobby it dubbed the "South Group" had paid kickbacks, part of which was routed to public servants. The Enforcement Directorate alleged laundering of the kickbacks.