The Centres policy of paid vaccination for those between 18 and 44 is -arbitrary and irrational-, the Supreme Court says in a sharply-worded order that raises tough questions for the government.
Here are 5 big points from the order
To Centre saying court should keep away from executive decisions: Our constitution does not envisage courts to be silent spectators when constitutional rights of citizens are violated because of executive policy.
Court asks government to clarify how the Rs 35,000 crore earmarked in the Union Budget for procuring vaccines have been spent so far and why they cannot be utilized for vaccinating persons aged 18-44 years.
The Centre has been asked to file a detailed affidavit giving complete data on the purchase history of all the vaccines till date - Covaxin, Covishield and Sputnik V. The Supreme Court also asks for dates of all procurement orders; number of doses ordered; projected date of supply.
The government also has to submit a comparison of prices of vaccines available in India to their international prices.
The Supreme Court asks the Centre to place on record a roadmap of projected availability of vaccines till December 31. It notes that the “Liberalized Vaccination Policy” may not be able to spur competitive prices and more vaccines.