This Article is From Dec 23, 2009

SurferSpeak on Ruchika case verdict: Editor's Pick

New Delhi: The verdict in the Ruchika case has stumped everyone - six months awarded to a man found guilty of molesting a teenager.

We at have been inundated with comments from surfers expressing shock and outrage over the sentence meted out to Ruchika's molester.

Here, we bring you some of the surfer comments:

Suchi  - The institution of Indian system, I held in greatregard till now, has been belittled by this unbelievably lopsidedjudgement and need to be debated by all citizens and particularly bythe judicial bodies to create trust and faith in the system. The onlyway to do so is to enhance the punishment to this monster as it wouldhave been given to an ordinary citizen.

BB - I am an Indian based in New Zealand for the last 10 years. It is a usual practice for the Western Media to portray developing countries in poor light usually with stories such as these. But this one was so disgusting that even I could not justify the facts and defend the Indian justice system. My Kiwi mates had every reason to be cynical when they questioned me on the veracity of this report in the local newspapers. It was time to stop defending a corrupt and biased justice system, which over the years has just gone from bad to worse.

Wasim Abrar - The punishment announced is an absolute shame. The justification for giving six months rather than 2 years is symptomatic and proof of a judiciary which is heavily biased against the victims of sexual offence. There is one positive though, that Rathore was atleast convicted. He has got away with no punishment for later crimes of mental torture and abuse against Ruchika and Aradhana's families.

DP Mohapatra - The 6-months sentence is unacceptable. Fresh inquiry should begin against the judge(s) who gave this verdict. The actual verdict here should be death penalty for Rathore and life imprisonment without any possibility for parole for all those policemen, lawyers and politicians who helped him get away with the system.

Lydia - A friends fight for justice for 19 long years has gone in vain and the man responsible for the death of an innocent child just walks away free. Well why does a judicial system ever exist?

(Forum: Is six months enough for such a crime? | Read surfer comments)