Actor Ankita Lokhande, Sushant Singh Rajput's ex-girlfriend, tweeted a cryptic message hours after the Bihar government recommended a CBI probe into the Bollywood star's death. With a hashtag "listeningtomyhigherself", she wrote that she would follow the journey of her heart and couldn't be bought or sold. She didn't assign any context to the post.
"They wanted me to be a million things in this Earthly lifetime and to each I bowed and said 'Not for me I am on the Priestess Path, Goddess born and I cannot be swayed. I follow the journey of my heart and the singing of my soul; I cannot be bought, and I cannot be sold.' -Ara," Ankita Lokhande tweeted. The quote is from a book on women empowerment written by Ara Campbell.
— Ankita lokhande (@anky1912) August 4, 2020
Sushant Singh Rajput was found dead in his Mumbai apartment in June; the police had said he died by suicide. His family and some friends like Ms Lokhande, who had dated the actor for years before breaking up in 2016, want an investigation into how he died.
"Sushant didn't have suicidal personality. When he was with me, he used to be happy, he used to keep me happy. He was a very balanced person. He used to plan his life according to his five-year goals. He used to write down his dreams. And after five years, he would always get what he wanted," she told NDTV last week.
Sushant's father KK Singh, who has accused actor's friend Rhea Chakraborty of transferring Rs 15 crore to unknown accounts and harassing him, pressed for a CBI investigation into his death on a phone call with Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, a day after he alleged he had informed the Mumbai Police in February that his son was in danger.
"Since the family has given its consent, we are recommending a CBI probe on the FIR which was lodged in Bihar," Nitish Kumar told NDTV, amid a turf war between the Mumbai and Bihar Police over the case.
The Mumbai Police have been investigating if the actor was depressed as he was allegedly sidelined by Bollywood because of nepotism and have recorded the statement of over 50 people, including actors and noted filmmakers. The Bihar Police last week launched a parallel probe based on Mr Singh's complaint. The Enforcement Directorate, which looks into financial crimes, has also registered an FIR under sections that deal with money laundering.
The recommendation for the CBI probe comes a day before the Supreme Court will hear a petition by Ms Chakraborty to transfer Mr Singh's FIR to Mumbai.
The Bihar Police alleged that they were being stalled by their Mumbai counterparts after their senior IPS officer was sent in quarantine shortly after his arrival in the Maharashtra capital.
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