Manipur Chief Minister N Biren Singh on Friday said that suspects involved in looting the properties of ministers and MLAs during protests on November 16 were identified and legal actions initiated. He condemned incidents like torching the photograph of a minister's late father in his house, looting the residence of an MLA and firing inside a car showroom, and questioned whether these could be part of any agitation.
"In the name of democratic movement, some gangs have looted and burnt the residences of ministers and MLAs. Suspects have been identified through CCTV and appropriate legal actions have been initiated. I feel ashamed to say publicly that such things are happening in Manipur," Mr Singh told reporters.
Urging people not to get involved in any activities that led to suspension of the Internet, the Chief Minister said, "Do not blame the government only. We need to correct ourselves as well." He said he has no objections against anyone who genuinely protested against the killing of children and women in Jiribam district.
"But those politically motivated gangs who took advantage of the situation, we will take legal action (against them)," Mr Singh said.
Had the CRPF not gunned down 10 or 11 militants in Jiribam, some 100 civilians would have been killed on November 11 since the attackers wanted to overrun a relief camp in Borobekra and a police station, he said. So, the steps taken by the central forces should be appreciated, Mr Singh said.
"When the situation improves, we will make sure to lift suspension on (mobile) Internet. Operations are on to apprehend the attackers. Though the NIA is also handling the case of the killing of innocents in Jiribam, the state government is not silent. We are also looking for them. The government will seek to protect the lives and properties of civilians," Mr Singh said.
Manipur has seen a fresh wave of protests after six people - three Meitei women and three children - were taken hostage from Jiribam last week, following a gunfight between armed men and security forces that resulted in the deaths of 10 Kuki youths.
More than 220 people have been killed and thousands left homeless in ethnic violence between valley-based Meiteis and adjoining hills-based Kuki-Zo groups since May last year.
The Chief Minister also slammed Congress leader P Chidambaram for advocating for regional autonomy in an X post, which he later deleted.