Actress Swara Bhasker is facing backlash on social media for using abusive words for a four-year-old child on a recent chat show. The 31-year-old, who appeared on 'Son of Abish' on November 1, is seen using swear words for a child actor who she had worked with in a soap advertisement few years ago. The clip has gone viral on social media, with many severely criticising the 'Veere Di Wedding' actress for using offensive language.
In the video, Swara Bhasker is seen talking about her disappointment during the ad shoot, saying the child calling her "Aunty" on set only made her angrier. She is seen using two cuss words in Hindi to refer to the child actor in the video. According to Swara, she did not say the words in front of the child but only in her head, reports news agency IANS.
The actress was shredded by Twitter as soon as the clip emerged, with many calling the use of foul language "shameful" and "pathetic". The hashtags #Swara_aunty and #SwaraAunty have been trending on the microblogging website since Tuesday morning.
Her choice of words is totally wrong!! Indian Actresses have totally lost their dignity and mannerisms!! #swara_aunty
— Reetika gupta (@mommy_reetika) November 5, 2019
#swara_aunty so shameless @ReallySwara abusing a 4-year-old !
— GhungrooSethani (@GSethani) November 5, 2019
You know #swara_aunty what is shameful ?
— sandesh shetty (@sandesh204) November 5, 2019
Verbally abusing a 4 year old kid. What kind of low level you can possibly go other than this. Tell me. Such a low life sc*m
International Business Times reports that an NGO, Legal Rights Protection Forum, has reportedly filed a complaint with the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights, demanding action against Swara Bhasker.
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