Hours after actor Shah Rukh Khan's Twitter exchange with Swiggy went viral, the food delivery platform came up with a delightful response. Several Swiggy delivery executives reached his Mumbai bungalow 'Mannat' to deliver food for him.
Shah Rukh Khan, or SRK, on Monday, held an AskSRK session on Twitter where he interacted with his fans answering a range of questions. During the session, one fan asked the Bollywood star, “Khaana khaaya kya bhai? (Did you have food brother”). To this, SRK replied, “Kyun bhai aap Swiggy se ho….bhej doge kya?? (Why brother? Are You from Swiggy, will you send the food over?"
Khaana khaaya kya bhai?
— Charts Central Fortgate Trader (@fortgatetrader) June 12, 2023
Kyun bhai aap Swiggy se ho….bhej doge kya?? https://t.co/Jskh69QEqc
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) June 12, 2023
The hilarious exchange drew a response from Swiggy too and the company offered to send food over to the actor. “Hum hain Swiggy se, bhej dein kya??? (we are from Swiggy, should we send you food)?" Swiggy tweeted.
hum hain swiggy se, bhej dein kya??? ???? https://t.co/iMFJcYksKU
— Swiggy (@Swiggy) June 12, 2023
Hours later, Swiggy posted a picture of seven of its delivery executives standing outside SRK's bungalow. "Hum swiggy wale hai aur hum dinner leke aagaye (We are from Swiggy and we have brought dinner)” the tweet read.
hum swiggy wale hai aur hum dinner leke aagaye ???? https://t.co/iMFJcYjUVm pic.twitter.com/swKvsEZYhC
— Swiggy (@Swiggy) June 12, 2023
Swiggy's response prompted a number of reactions on Twitter.
"I knew Swiggy wouldn't let this opportunity go," a user wrote.
I knew swiggy wouldn't let this opportunity go .
— Sarthak Ghimire (@sarthak9841) June 12, 2023
“Not missing any opportunity,” a comment read.
Not missing any opportunity ????
— k (@kali_ka12) June 12, 2023
One joked that Shah Rukh Khan had ordered lunch but Swiggy delivered dinner.
Lunch order kiye the dinner aa gaya ????????????
— Wasim M Momin (@iammwasim) June 12, 2023
Another said that the delivery persons "sure look excited to be there!”
They sure look excited to be there!
— AD (@gooner_lens) June 12, 2023
“Superb! Well done swiggy! Solid action!” a user reacted.
Superb! Well done swiggy! Solid action!
— revathi srinivasan (@revathi88126274) June 13, 2023
Some highlighted that tandoori chicken is Shah Rukh Khan's favourite dish.
Make sure Chicken Tandoori ho dish me .. his favourite dish
— True Blood (@True_Blood____) June 12, 2023
Shah Rukh Khan, in his latest AskSRK session, also gave a witty reply to a user who asked him, “Yeh hamesha aapke paas bas 15 min hi kyu hote hain, bhabhiji ghar ka kaam aap se hi karwati hain kya (Why do you always have only 15 minutes, does your wife make you do the house work)?".
“Beta apna kahaan(i) humein na suna… jaa ghar ki safaai kar (Son don't tell me your own story, go clean the house)” the actor said.
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