This Article is From Aug 14, 2010

Swine flu scare in Orissa

Bhubaneswar : Eight swine flu deaths have been reported in last 10 days while 25 people tested positive. Around hospitals and health centres, the scare all too visible.

''We have been here with our patient for five days. The government should provide vaccines or tablets. You get nothing here," said a local resident.

Another man said, "We need more medicines and fast."

People should not panic. People's fear has pushed the Chief Minister to activate the emergency machinery.

An SMS campaign launched to increase awareness in schools and workplaces. More medicines have been ordered.


''Earlier Tamiflu tablets were available in district headquarters. Now we will ensure its availability in sub-divisional and block levels.''

The bug... has even bitten the Independence Day celebrations

The Orissa Government's order to schools: Just hoist the national flag, cut out meetings, gatherings and speeches. 