This Article is From May 18, 2009

Swine flu: Two people under quarantine


Two more people suspected to be infected with the H1N1 flu virus have been kept under quarantine at Hyderabad's Chest Hospital. They had travelled in the same emirates flight on which the 23-year-old, confirmed to be infected with the virus, had flown into Hyderabad.

Hyderabad's chest hospital now has three patients in the isolation ward for H1N1 flu. Along with the 23-year-old student from New York who has been clinically confirmed to be carrying the virus are two of his co-passengers on the emirates flight that brought him to Hyderabad, a 39-year-old from New York and a 28-year-old from Dubai. Their throat swab samples have been sent to the National Institute of Communicable Disease at Delhi for testing.

"There were 156 passengers in the EK-524 emirates airlines. Luckily, we got the addresses of 146 of them. We have given directions to all district health officials to track them,'' said Dr K Subhakar, Govt Chest Hospital, Hyderabad.

A representative of UAE's consul general was at the Hyderabad hospital on Monday morning since the 23-year-old confirmed to be carrying the virus had spent 90 minutes visiting the duty-free shopping area at Dubai airport. They want to make sure no UAE national is infected.

Very limited medical personnel in full protective gear are being allowed in the isolation ward where the suspected and confirmed cases of H!N1 flu have been quarantined. Even family members have not been allowed.

Doctors have said the patient confirmed with H1N1 virus is stable and there is no reason for worry.
