Tamil movie veteran and Makkal Needhi Maiam party founder-chief Kamal haasan today met long-time colleague Rajinikanth, the first time since the latter announced a few weeks ago that he would not be entering politics. The meeting comes amid full-fledged campaigning by Mr Haasan's party in the run up to the 2021 state assembly polls. The two, however, did not discuss politics, according to sources close to the matinee icons.
In December, Rajinikanth, on the brink of launching his political party after years of speculation, backed out citing his health. "With extreme sadness I say that I can't enter politics. I alone know the pain I went through while announcing this decision," he said two days after his discharge from hospital where he was admitted over the weekend with blood pressure fluctuations.
Mr Haasan, on the other hand, launched his political party in 2018, and has already flagged off his party, MNM's election campaign. He had recently announced that he would actively seek Mr Rajinikanth's support.
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