Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin on Saturday greeted Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on his 51st birthday, praising his "selfless, untiring work to establish an egalitarian India."
"Wishing my beloved brother @RahulGandhi on his birthday and I join others in praising his selfless, untiring work to establish an egalitarian India in every aspect," Mr Stalin tweeted.
Wishing my beloved brother @RahulGandhi on his birthday and I join others in praising his selfless, untiring work to establish an egalitarian India in every aspect. His commitment to the ethos of the Congress Party has been exemplary. pic.twitter.com/nvjMkbYDVP
- M.K.Stalin (@mkstalin) June 19, 2021
"His commitment to the ethos of the Congress Party has been exemplary," the DMK President added.
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