Tamil Nadu Governor Purohit has donated Rs 1 crore each to the Prime Minister's Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situations Fund (PM CARES) and Chief Minister's Public Relief Fund of Tamil Nadu (CMPRF), the Raj Bhavan said on Monday.
The donation made from the Governor's Discretionary Grant has been done to assist the Centre and state in their fight to tackle the spreadBanwarilal of Coronavirus, the release said.
"As a part of shouldering the responsibility along with the Government of India and the Government of Tamil Nadu at this critical situation," the Governor has donated Rs 1 crore each, it added.
In addition to this, Mr Purohit has donated his one month's salary to the PM-CARES Fund, it said, recalling he had made a similar contribution to Chief Minister's Public Relief Fund also.
He has also appealed to the people of Tamil Nadu to contribute generously to the PM-CARES Fund and CMPRF, it added.
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