After actor-politician Shatrughan Sinha, Bihar opposition leader Tejashwi Yadav has come to the defence of Bihar mathematician Anand Kumar, who trains underprivileged students for IIT entrance exams. Mr Kumar -- the subject of a biopic starring Hrithik Roshan that will release in January -- has landed in controversy after some of his students accused him of providing false information about his well-known Patna-based coaching centre, Super 30.
Tejashwi Yadav on Monday tweeted:
Super 30 fame Anand Kumar comes from an extremely backward class of society who gained fame by mentoring candidates frm socially & economically backward sections for IIT entrance examinations.
— Tejashwi Yadav (@yadavtejashwi) July 29, 2018
A biopic starring Hritik Roshan on Anand Kumar's life will be released later this year
An onslaught of propaganda is being run in media influenced by feudal mindset to discredit & defame Anand Kumar.
— Tejashwi Yadav (@yadavtejashwi) July 29, 2018
Just because feudal can't see a successful mentor frm an Extremely backward class empowering & educating underprivileged & a Bollywood movie being made honouring him
Mr Yadav also met the mathematician at his home on Monday.
Mr Kumar, 45, had started his super 30 programme 14 years ago, teaching the students for free at his non-profit coaching centre. The institute, set up in 2002, provides food and accommodation to the students as well.
Super 30 made headlines in 2010 after all 30 of Mr Kumar's students cracked the tough IIT-JEE exam. It drew the attention of foreign media, including the Time Magazine.
This year's figure, Mr Kumar said, was 26.
But some of Mr Kumar's students have alleged that his claims are false. Bihar local dailies reported that some of the students said only three of Super 30 students had cracked the prestigious exam. The rest belonged to other coaching institutions.
Actor-turned-politician Shatrughan Sinha on Sunday tweeted in support of Mr Kumar. In a series of tweets, Mr Sinha said:
The lynching continues in one form or another - from physical to verbal to "rumoral"...This time the victim seems to be our own hero of "Super30-Anand Kumar" - the genius, mathematician, guru, role model, pride of Bihar, pride of the Nation with years of successful teaching...1>2
— Shatrughan Sinha (@ShatruganSinha) July 29, 2018
In another tweet, Mr Sinha accused Mr Kumar's detractors of maligning him for their own vested interests.
"I am fond of him & proud of him like many of you. Hope, wish & pray that the society would be able to distinguish all these sponsored issues & stand by Mr Anand Kumar at this stage, so that he is able to continue his mission of taking our nation to the top...Jai Bihar. Jai Hind!" read another tweet from Mr Sinha.
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