Telangana BJP president and Union Minister G Kishan Reddy, accompanied by Rajya Sabha member K Laxman on Wednesday held discussions with Janasena party founder and actor Pawan Kalyan on the possibility of pre-poll alliance for the upcoming Assembly elections.
A press release from Janasena said the BJP leaders met the actor-turned-politician at the latter's office here.
Janasena, which has a tie-up with BJP in Andhra Pradesh, is part of NDA.
"There will be clarity in a day or two on the pre-poll alliance," the release quoted Pawan Kalyan as saying.
Janasena worked for the victory of the BJP and Telugu Desam candidates during the Assembly polls in 2014 and also after a request from the senior leadership of the saffron party, the Pawan Kalyan-led party did not contest in the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporations, the release said.
Pawan Kalyan told the BJP leaders that there is a pressure from his party cadre to contest in at least 30 seats in Telangana.
Janasena on October 2 said the party would contest 32 Assembly constituencies out of the total 119 in the November 30 polls.
Pawan Kalyan recently announced an alliance with the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) for the Assembly polls in neighbouring Andhra Pradesh.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)