KT Rama Rao, the IT minister of Telangana where the BJP will hold a national executive meeting today, shared pictures of grand office buildings in state capital Hyderabad as he took a swipe at the national party. Though Mr Rao did not mention the BJP by name, he chose to use words like "WhatsApp university executive council meeting" and "Jhumla Jeevis" to give enough hints on the target of his Tweet.
Though "WhatsApp university" is a term that has emerged for rumour mongering or circulation of fake content on the messaging platform, the term has often been used by Opposition parties to take jibes at the BJP.
Mr Rao, who is also the working president of Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS), the party ruling the state, also advised the visiting members to learn the best practices and schemes being implemented by the Telangana government.
"Don't forget to enjoy our Dum Biryani and Irani Chai," Mr Rao added in the Tweet.
BJP is holding its national executive in Hyderabad after a gap of 18 years.
The Tweet was put out by the minister hours ahead of the two-day national executive by the BJP in Hyderabad, the first physical meeting of the party's key decision-making body outside the national capital after a gap of five years.
The meeting will be BJP's third in a southern state after coming to power in 2014.
After consolidating its position in the north-western region following the ouster of Uddhav Thackeray government in Maharashtra, the BJP as set it eyes on southern states especially Telangana.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will hold a massive rally in Hyderabad tomorrow. The rally is expected to be based on the theme of local culture and tradition.
In the 2019 Lok Sabha polls, the BJP had won four Lok Sabha seats in Telangana.