Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde on Sunday said his government is committed to giving reservations to the Maratha community and urged people from the community to not take any extreme steps.
"Think of your parents, family, children, and friends," he said in an emotional message.
On October 19, the body of Maratha quota activist Sunil Kawale was found hanging from a lamp post along a flyover in Mumbai's Bandra. He had allegedly left a note seeking quota for his community.
"The Maharashtra government is trying its best to give the Maratha community reservation within the framework of law. The state government has filed a curative petition in the Supreme Court, which was accepted on October 13. Do not take extreme steps like suicide. Such acts are full of sorrow and are painful," the Chief Minister said.
A panel under retired judge Sandeep Shinde is studying old records in Marathwada as part of the move to give Kunbi OBC certificates to members of the Maratha community, he added.
"I too am the son of a farmer and am committed to ensuring the Maratha community gets reservation," Mr Shinde asserted.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)