Industrialist Anand Mahindra has shared a video of a felicitation ceremony organised to celebrate the 100th birthday of Subedar Major Govind Swamy, ex-Drill instructor of the National Defence Academy (NDA). The event was organised by the Madras Sappers in Bengaluru.
Calling it his “Monday Motivation,” Anand Mahindra wrote that he “had goosebumps when Subedar Major Swamy saluted the officers at the event. Subedar Major Swamy, during his tenure, instructed seven Indian Army Generals, the industrialist added.
In the video, shared on Twitter, a group of officers are seen helping Subedar Major Swamy get down from his car. The retired officer is then moved to a wheelchair. After a few seconds, we see some snippets from the felicitation ceremony. The clip ends with Subedar Major Swamy saluting the officers.
Sharing the video, Mr Mahindra wrote, “Sub Major [Govinda] Swamy, ex Drill Instructor of the National Defence Academy being felicitated on his 100th birthday. He instructed seven Indian Army Generals” Army as well as the Indian tradition of enduring respect for our Gurus. I had goosebumps when he saluted. This is my Monday Motivation.”
The Southern Command of the Indian Army has also shared some pictures from the bust unveiling ceremony of “Hony Captain Govind Swamy” on Twitter. The post caption reads, “A bust of "Hony Capt Govindswamy, VSM, Retd", an Icon and Epitome of Drill in Madras Sappers, was also unveiled at MEG by the legend himself. He has been the force behind MEG winning the "Best Marching Contingent Trophy" of the Republic/Army Day Parade, all "Nine" times it participated.”
Meanwhile, the clip, tweeted by Mr Mahindra, has gone viral.
A user said, “My younger brother too drilled under him. 56th course ( 1976/79)and the icing on the cake is that all the recent chiefs of defence simultaneously were his coursemates."
“Really heart touching” was the sentiment on social media.
A few were happy to see the way Subedar Major Govinda Swamy was honoured.
For this person, it was a “ goosebumps moment.”
“Hats of Salute,” wrote a user.
Another wrote, “What an emotional moment. I am in tears.”
Isn't it inspiring?