Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb has accused the West Bengal government of protecting three drug kingpins who fled away from Tripura and took shelter in West Bengal.
Addressing a gathering of pensioners and retired employees organized by Vivekananda Vichar Mancha (VVM) at Nazrul Kala Kshetra on Sunday, Mr Deb said, "The West Bengal police have turned down our requests to cooperate. Three drug kingpins who could not stay here in the state for strict police action have now made their new den in Bengal. I know the exact details of where they are staying and how they have reached there. We have shared the details of these people more than once but the West Bengal police did not respond to our requests. The ruling party leaders are protecting them".
The Chief Minister also accused the Trinamool Congress of desperately attempting to plunge Tripura into lawlessness.
"These three people who are now under the protection of Trinamool Congress have tried a lot to make a comeback. But, I did not allow it. They tried to convince me and even offered a huge share of money as party funds, but I did not make any compromise with my people. When they saw all their ways to return Tripura are getting permanently closed down, they have ganged up with Trinamool Congress and now acting as their source of funding for Tripura," he said.
Speaking about Tripura's development, Mr Deb said that PM Modi had given enough to the people of this land no other political power can make any difference.