After Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee's expected landslide victory from Bhabanipur assembly constituency, Trinamool candidates in Samserganj and Jangipur in Murshidabad district notched impressive wins with the party's Jakir Hossain winning Jangipur by a massive margin of 92,480 votes.
Jangipur's Trinamool Congress nominee Jakir Hossain secured some 1,36,444 votes, while his nearest rival, Bharatiya Janata Party's Sujit Das polled 43,964 votes in a one-sided electoral battle. Mr Hossain was declared victorious with a margin of 92,480 votes. Except Jane Alam Mian of Revolutionary Socialist Party, no other candidate reached four figures.
In Samserganj, Trinamool candidate Amirul Islam won by a margin of 26,379 votes. He secured 96,417 votes, while his nearest rival, Zaidur Rahaman of the Congress, got 70,038. Murshidabad was earlier seen as a Congress stronghold. Trinamool's victories in all assembly constituencies of the district places the Congress in a difficult position in West Bengal.