Top wrestlers in India have been protesting for more than a month, seeking action against Wrestling Federation chief Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh. The wrestlers are demanding his arrest on allegations of sexual harassment charge against seven wrestlers, including one minor. Today, Sakshee Malikkh, Vinesh Phogat and Bajrang Punia - who have been at the forefront of the protest - said they have resumed their government duties. In a tweet, Ms Malikkh said the wrestlers will continue the fight for justice and asserted that none of them have backed down and nor they will.
Also Read | Top Wrestlers Rejoin Work, Sakshee Malikkh Says "Protest Will Continue"
The wrestlers, who have won medals for India at the international level, have been given job by the government for their achievements and making India shine at the international level.
Mr Punia, who competes in the 65-kg weight category, won a bronze medal at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics by defeating Kazakhstan's Daulet Niyazbejkov. He currently works as an Officer of Special Duty (OSD) in the Indian Railways.
Mr Punia is married to Sangeeta Phogat, who belongs to famous wrestling family in India. Dangal, starring Aamir Khan, is based on the lives of Phogat sisters - Geeta and Babita. Sangeeta Phogat has represented India in various international competitions winning medals for the country. She is currently employed as a clerk in Indian Railways and has been protesting against the wrestling body chief.
Multiple medal winner wrestler Sakkshee Malikkh is another wrestler who is protesting against Mr Singh. She won the bronze medal at 2016 Olympics. Ms Malikkh had previously won silver medal at the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow and a bronze at the 2015 Asian Wrestling Championship in Doha. She is employed as a Sports Officer with Indian Railways.
Her husband Satyavrat Kadian is also part of the protest. Mr Kadian won a silver medal at the 2014 Commonwealth Games and is currently employed as senior clerk in Indian Railways.
Another prominent wrestler adding weight to the protest is Vinesh Phogat, the cousin of Geeta and Babita. She has won gold in both Commonwealth and Asian Games. Ms Phogat is employed as Officer on Special Duty (OSD) in Indian Railways. In December 2018, she married fellow wrestler Somvir Rathee, who is also a part of the protest.
Mr Rathee is employed with Indian Railways as a Travel Ticket Examiner (TTE).
Jitender Kinha is another big name from India's wrestling world who has joined the protest against Brish Bhushan Sharan Singh. He also works as a TTE with Indian Railways.