Jammu And Kashmir has been high on the list for the tourists, even during Covid times. More than a lakh tourist visited the valley just before the second wave hit India in the end of April, data from the home ministry has said.
The footfall, as per the ministry, was a three-fold jump compared to the last season.
Between November 2019 to March 2020, only 36,728 tourists visited the valley. However, the footfall saw a huge rise between November 2020 to April 2021, when as many as 1,13,010 tourists visited here.
Both the Centre and the Union Territory administration have been making efforts to promote tourism in the valley.
From Covid's point of view, the ministry says, that as many as 80 percent of industry stakeholders have already been vaccinated by the Union Territory administration.
"Tourism sector has been identified as a priority sector as we generate lot of revenue through this that's why we prioritised tourism sector for vaccination," a senior officer from the home ministry told NDTV.
According to him, now the new "film policy" --- to attract shooting --- will tap the potential of locals. "Concessions will be given to filmwallahs to shoot in JK," he adds.
"While promoting the scenic beauty of the union territory, the policy envisages providing a platform for the local talent to prove themselves on the national level," explains a senior officer from tourism department.
He adds that the new policy will benefit local artists including dancers, fashion designers, actors, choreographers, cinematographers, sound recordists, set designers, and others.
Meanwhile, as per the ministry data in 2021, both centre and union territory administration have made efforts to promote tourism in the valley.
Many events have been organised in Jammu & Kashmir in an attempt to push to the slackened economy. "After state was bifurcated in 2019 footfall drastically increased but since late last year there is no looking back," explains a senior official of tourism ministry.
Giving details, he said the union terriroy hosted 2nd Khelo India festival in Gulmarg in February this year. Athletes from 27 states and Union Territories competed in the Games.
"Be it Spring Celebrations at Badamwari or Tulip festival. Every month numbers of tourist visiting JK have been steadily increasing," he adds.