Mumbai's traffic is the cause of three per cent divorces in the city, former Maharashtra chief minister Devendra Fadnavis' wife Amruta Fadnavis said today. She was talking to reporters about the condition of roads and traffic in the financial capital when she made the bizarre claim. Shiv Sena leader Priyanka Chaturvedi, without naming Ms Fadnavis, took a dig at her statement and called it "Best (il)logic of the day". Ms Chaturvedi was one of many social media users who are ridiculing Ms Fadnavis' statement. Some have added their own jokes and memes.
"Do you know that three per cent of divorces in Mumbai are due to traffic jams since people are unable to devote time to their families?" she said.
Ms Fadnavis said she has been personally troubled by potholes on the roads and stuck in traffic.
"Forget that I am the wife of Devendra Fadnavis. I am talking to you as a woman. I have also experienced traffic on the roads and the potholes and how they trouble us," she said.
Priyanka Chaturvedi ridiculed the former chief minister's wife and joked that Bengaluru families should avoid reading about the claim.
"Best (il)logic of the day award goes to the lady who claims 3% Mumbaikars are divorcing due to traffic on roads. Please take a holiday break rather than having a mind on brake..," she said. Bengaluru families please avoid reading this, can prove fatal for your marriages," she said, ending the tweet with a laughing emoji.