Trinamool Congress MP Mimi Chakraborty on Tuesday lashed out at Emirates airline after finding a hair inside her in-flight meal. The actress-turned-politician Chakraborty complained that she found strands of hair in the croissant she was served and also shared pictures of the same on Twitter. She further stated that despite mailing the airline's representatives, there was no reaction or apology from the team.
She tweeted, ''Dear @emirates i believe u hav grown 2 big to care less about ppl traveling wit u. Finding hair in meal is not a cool thing to do i believe. Maild u nd ur team but u didn't find it necessary to reply or apologise @EmiratesSupportThat thing came out frm the croissant i was chewing.''
The actor also mentioned that she has already mailed all the details to the concerned flight service representatives. In another tweet, she wrote, '' You can find my mail with all details if you care.''
Check the tweets here:
You can find my mail with all details if you care @emirates @EmiratesSupport @EmiratesTrans
— Mimi chakraborty (@mimichakraborty) February 21, 2023
After her tweet went viral, Emirates Support responded to her complaint, apologizing for the incident and requesting her to write feedback.
"Hello, I'm sorry to know this. Please write your feedback here by completing an online form, our Customer Relations Team will review it based on the matter raised and respond to you via email. Please DM us for any help. Thanks," read the response message.
Hello, I'm sorry to know this. Please write your feedback here by completing an online form, our Customer Relations Team will review it based on the matter raised and respond to you via email. Please DM us for any help. Thanks.
— Emirates Support (@EmiratesSupport) February 21, 2023
Mimi Chakraborty is an MP from Jadavpur constituency in West Bengal. She is known for her work in Bengali cinema and television. She was last seen in Arindam Sil's thriller ‘Khela Jawkhon'.
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