This Article is From Jul 28, 2014

Tweet on Gujarat Model for Riots was Not Communal, Says BJP Leader

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BJP MLA from Karnataka CT Ravi

Bangalore: CT Ravi, a BJP legislator from Karnataka, has sought to clarify that a "controversial" comment he posted on Twitter on Sunday was not intended "to inflame communal passions."

Mr Ravi had tweeted in reference to riots in Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh, "Only the Gujarat model, that worked from 2002 in containing their rioting elements, can work. Apply across Bharat." (Curfew Relaxed in Saharanpur, Political Blame Game Continues: 10 Developments)

When advised on Twitter, amid outrage, to delete the post, Mr Ravi tweeted, "There was nothing objectionable in my comment. These guys see yellow everywhere with jaundiced eyes."

The BJP was quick to distance itself. "This is his own opinion," said former chief minister and BJP leader in Karnataka Jagdish Shettar.

Delhi-based lawyer and activist Shehzad Poonawala has complained to the National Human Rights Commission about Mr Ravi's tweets. He has alleged that BJP leaders are using social media to inflame passions and has asked the Delhi Police to register a case against the Karnataka politician.

Amid the outrage, Mr Ravi stoutly denied that charge and alleged today, "Some yellow goggles people are there everywhere - they twist that tweet." 

He claimed he had only suggested the "Gujarat model" to help the Uttar Pradesh government control communal violence.

"Why that tweet was very controversial I don't know. During the 2002 riots, the Gujarat government took very serious action. There was preventive arrest of more than 20,000 people; curfew orders, shoot-at-sight orders. That model will help the Uttar Pradesh government also to control culprits and communal violence," the MLA said, now clearly defensive.

Gujarat Congress leader Shaktisinh Gohil said, "This is the mentality of the BJP and the RSS. Let people die or get killed, but they are (only) bothered about their politics. That's what they did in Gujarat."

There is curfew in tense Saharanpur in western Uttar Pradesh where communal violence on Saturday left three people dead and many others injured. 38 people have been arrested.