In a disturbing incident, a man in Delhi was mercilessly beaten to death in front of his teen son allegedly over Rs 20, the police said on Monday. The man's 13-year-old son reportedly tried to stop the assault and begged the attackers to spare his father.
The police have arrested two brothers, Santosh and Saroj, for the murder of Rupesh last Thursday. The 38-year-old lived in Burari in north Delhi with his wife and children, the police said. The area is notorious for its crime rate.
According to the police, the incident took place when Rupesh went to a neighbourhood salon for a shave and was asked to pay Rs 50. He gave Santosh, the salon owner, Rs 30 saying he would pay the rest later, the police said.
This led to a fight that escalated to a point where brothers Santosh and Saroj allegedly started thrashing Rupesh with a plastic pipe in their salon.
A clip of the assault, which looks like it was filmed by an onlooker on their mobile phone, has also surfaced. The clip shows how Rupesh's son tried to intervene as his father was beaten. It also shows many people watching the fight but doing nothing to help the victim.
When Rupesh was rushed to the hospital, the doctors declared him dead, the police said.
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