BJP MP from Madhya Pradesh's Ujjain Anil Firojiya, accompanied by Madhya Pradesh Higher Education Minister Mohan Yadav, today paid a fine of Rs 250 after realising that he was not wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle.
Earlier in the day, Mr Yadav and Mr Firojiya visited a local agriculture market on a motorcycle, urging people to follow COVID-19 protocols during the unlocking of the "corona curfew".
"However, we realised that while doing so we have violated traffic rules by not wearing a helmet following which we decided to pay the fine," Anil Firojiya told news agency PTI.
Ujjain traffic police station in-charge Pavan Kumar Bangdi said the local MP realised his mistake of not wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle.
"The MP along with the minister came to the traffic police's office on his own and paid the fine of Rs 250," he said.