In a setback for the BJP, albeit a symbolic one, its ally in Mizoram has declared that it will support the no-confidence motion moved against the central government. The Mizo National Front, which is the ruling party in Mizoram, said it has taken the decision because it is unhappy with the way the BJP governments in the state and the Centre have dealt with the Manipur violence issue.
C Lalrosanga, the lone Lok Sabha member from Mizoram, said he would vote against the government in the no-confidence motion, which was moved the Congress and is backed by the newly-minted INDIA coalition
"We are extremely unhappy with the way the BJP governments have dealt with the Manipur issue. Our brothers and sisters in Manipur are badly affected and distressed by the violence in the state," Mr Lalrosanga said, adding that the issue was discussed with the party leadership, including the state Chief Minister and MNF President Zoramthanga.
The Mizos and the Kukis share close ethnic ties. The Chin people of Myanmar, the Mizo people and the Kukis are collectively called the Zo people.
Mr Lalrosanga said that his party is also against the proposed Uniform Civil Code (UCC). Many MNF leaders and the party's two parliamentarians from Mizoram have recently expressed their desire to withdraw the party's support from the NDA over the Manipur and UCC issues.
The MNF's vote against the government will not affect the numbers in the Lok Sabha, where the BJP alone has over 300 MPs and has the backing of at least 30 others. The opposition INDIA coalition, on the other hand, only has the support of 143 MPs.
The MNF enjoys a comfortable majority in the Mizoram Assembly.