Union Law Minister Kiren Rijiju on Saturday said he looks forward to working closely with Chief Justice of India Uday Umesh Lalit for “speedy delivery of justice.”
Kiren Rijiju called on Justice Lalit earlier in the day to greet him upon being sworn in as the new CJI.
Earlier today, I called on the new Chief Justice of India, Justice U.U. Lalit at his official residence in New Delhi.
— Kiren Rijiju (@KirenRijiju) August 27, 2022
Looking forward to work closely with him to ensure speedy delivery of Justice. pic.twitter.com/ZnIyUNLCGc
"Earlier today, I called on the new Chief Justice of India, Justice U U Lalit at his official residence in New Delhi. Looking forward to working closely with him to ensure speedy delivery of justice," Kiren Rijiju tweeted.
Justice Lalit was sworn in on Saturday as the 49th Chief Justice of India.
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