Ravindra Raina, the BJP's Jammu and Kashmir unit chief, has tested positive for coronavirus, Union Minister of State Jitendra Singh and senior party leader Ram Madhav tweeted on Tuesday, informing that they are going on self-imposed quarantine as they had met him on Sunday.
"Have gone into self-quarantine with immediate effect from 4 PM today, after receiving the news about Corona positive test of J&K BJP President Sh Ravinder Raina, who had accompanied us from Srinagar to Bandipora on 12th July," Mr Singh tweeted.
Have gone into Self-Quarantine with immediate effect from 4 PM today, after receiving the news about #Corona positive test of J&K BJP President Sh Ravinder Raina who had accompanied us from Srinagar to Bandipora on 12th July.
— Dr Jitendra Singh (@DrJitendraSingh) July 14, 2020
Mr Madhav, the party general secretary and in-charge of the affairs in the Union Territory, said he is also quarantining himself as a precaution.
"Am quarantining myself for a few days since my colleague n BJP J&K President Ravinder Raina tested +ve for Corona today n I was with him 48 hrs ago in Srinagar. I tested -ve for Corona 4 times in last two weeks. Yet taking precautions to ensure safety of me n others," he said.
Am quarantining myself for a few days since my colleague n BJP J&K President Ravinder Raina tested +ve for Corona today n I was with him 48 hrs ago in Srinagar. I tested -ve for Corona 4 times during travel in last 2 weeks. Yet taking precautions to ensure safety of me n others????
— Ram Madhav (@rammadhavbjp) July 14, 2020
On Sunday, Mr Madhav, Mr Singh, Mr Raina and other party leaders had visited the house of Kashmir's Bandipora district president Wasim Bari, who was killed by terrorist, along with this father and brother outside their house last week. 10 of their personal security officers were suspended and arrested by the police.
"We have come here to offer condolences to the bereaved family and provided them some help. All BJP leaders of the country stand by the family in this difficult situation. Those who are responsible for the act should be neutralised," Mr Madhav had told reporters.
Mr Raina, before leaving for the local leader's house, had demanded that all BJP leaders be provided security. He is being referred to Narayana hospital situated in the Katra belt of Reasi district for treatment.
Jammu and Kashmir currently has over 10,800 coronavirus cases including 187 deaths.
With inputs from PTI
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