Days before the Uttar Pradesh election, a key ally of Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav is flashing signs of trouble. The Apna Dal (Kamerawadi) is likely to decide on whether to stay in the opposition alliance or exit after talks with Akhilesh Yadav today.
Apna Dal (Kamerawadi) is an offshoot of BJP ally Anupriya Patel's Apna Dal and is headed by her mother Krishna Patel.
The rift between the Samajwadi Party and Apna Dal (Kamerawadi) has been widening over candidates for the polls starting February 10.
Anupriya Patel's older sister Pallavi Patel, a key member of the party, left for Lucknow early this morning for talks with Akhilesh Yadav.
She will decide on the alliance after the discussions, say sources in the party.
Pallavi Patel was named the Samajwadi Party's candidate for the Sirathu constituency, from where the BJP has fielded its Uttar Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Keshav Prasad Maurya.
The announcement reportedly caused resentment among local Samajwadi Party leaders.
Sources say Pallavi Patel is upset that the party did not clarify whether she would be contesting on the Samajwadi symbol or her own party's.
She is reportedly also unwilling to contest against Mr Maurya, the BJP's number two leader in UP.
The Apna Dal (K) was to contest 18 seats as part of its alliance with the Samajwadi Party.
Earlier this week, the Samajwadi Party named its leader from the Allahabad West seat that the Apna Dal (K) was expecting in its share.
Upset, the Apna Dal (K) reportedly said it would not accept the seats offered to it. That includes Sirathu and seven other constituencies.
The friction could hit the opposition alliance, especially in the first phase of the UP election, in which Sirathu will vote.
The Apna Dal (K) has influence among backward caste voters across the state and among Muslims in eastern and Central UP.