Following the BJP's second consecutive win in Uttar Pradesh, actor turned politician Hema Malini spoke to NDTV about her campaign journey during the marathon seven-phase polling in the state. The BJP MP said party workers would get energised with her presence. In addition to explaining the achievements of the Yogi Adityanath-led government, she said she would also recite dialogues from her movies during campaigning which the voters loved. This translated into votes contributing to her party's spectacular victory, she claimed.
Reciting a popular dialogue from her superhit movie Sholay, she said that people would get excited with just one line from that movie. "That transformed into votes also. My fans, the people who love me will definitely vote for us," she said.
The BJP MP campaigned extensively for her party, travelling in Balia, Benaras, Mathura and Gorakhpur.
Explaining her experience, she said that security and other arrangements during her campaign travels were better this time. "Some years back it used to be so bad...I used to be just put in the middle of the crowd and it used to be difficult even to reach the stage," she said and added that this time her party made good arrangements for her.
On her plans for the work planned in her own constituency Mathura, she said that she plans to work on maintaining and beautifying the birthplace of Lor Krishna which is a religious tourism centre.
Sked by NDTV how she manages her professional schedule in Mumbai along with the political work in her constituency, she claimed that she divides half of every month among both. "I have a house here in Vrindavan," she added.
The BJP has pulled off a spectacular victory in the state, with Yogi Adityanath set to return for his second term. The party shored up 44.6 per cent of the vote, data at 2 pm showed - a significant 5 per cent improvement over the 2017 elections.
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