This Article is From May 24, 2013

US President Barack Obama urged to push for economic reforms in India

Washington: Ahead of a crucial Indo-US Strategic Dialogue in New Delhi next month, US President Barack Obama has been encouraged to push for economic reforms in India and to address the concerns of the Indian companies with regard to H-1B visas.

"The US and India have accomplished much in recent years, but we need a strong push to restore confidence that India is investment- and trade-friendly and open to a collaborative economic relationship with the United States," Ajay Banga, chairman of the US India Business Council (USIBC) and president and CEO of MasterCard Worldwide, said in a letter to Obama.

"We hope that in the upcoming meetings with your Indian counterparts you and your administration will drive home the importance of addressing the key Indian practices at issue and assure them that this country is prepared to be India's full partner provided that India does its share," Banga said in his letter dated May 23, a copy of which has been obtained by the Press Trust of India.

The Secretary of State, John Kerry, is scheduled to travel to India next month for the next round of India-US Strategic Dialogue. Moreover, Obama has invited the Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for a meeting at the White House later this year.

The exact dates of both the meetings have not been announced, but the two crucial meetings is expected to set the pace and scope for the much needed push to India US relationship in the second term of the Obama Administration.

"We ask that you and your representatives lay before our Indian friends an agenda of key changes in Indian policy which, if undertaken, will go a long way towards improving the business climate and restoring confidence in the Indian economy," Banga said.

Observing that these high level meetings are coming at an important time in political calendar as India heads to general elections next year, he said, much needs to be done before the polls to strengthen the relationship, especially the economic and commercial aspects of it.
