Ahead of the upcoming Assembly elections in Uttar Pradesh, Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacted with BJP workers in his Lok Sabha constituency Varanasi and asked them to inform people about the importance of voting and emphasised that every vote is important.
"Each vote is important, we must tell people the importance of voting," said PM Modi.
This was PM Modis' first political interaction involving party workers since the Election Commission (EC) announced the schedule for the Assembly polls to five states, including Uttar Pradesh.
In the wake of rising COVID cases, the EC, in its order, had forbidden the political parties to hold roadshows, rallies, padayatras till January 22.
Elections for the 403 Assembly constituencies in Uttar Pradesh will be held in seven phases starting February 10. The polling in Uttar Pradesh will be held on February 10, 14, 20, 23, 27 and March 3 and 7 in seven phases. The counting of votes will take place on March 10.