The Yogi Adityanath-led government Monday presented Rs 5,50,270.78 crore budget for 2021-22 in the State Assembly. With the Assembly election a year away, the budget includes new schemes of Rs 27,598 crore.
This is also Uttar Pradesh's first paperless budget.
Ahead of the presentation of the budget, the state legislative assembly speaker on Sunday said that subsequently everything including the agenda of the House, and questions and answers will become paperless.
All members of the State Legislature have been provided iPads to view the budget highlights which will also be available on two big screens put up in the House.
On February 2, Mr Adityanath had directed that the state cabinet should hold a virtual meeting in the future for which ministers must be given training.
The budget will be available on the 'Uttar Pradesh Government Budget' app and can be downloaded from the Google Play Store.
Here are the live updates on Uttar Pradesh Budget Session:
"Khel khatam, paisa hajam" Mr Yadav said when asked about the budget.
"Poor and farmers were expecting big relief, but their expectations were not met. Now, the government has no time left and people of the state have seen what they did in the past four years," Mr Yadav added.
This is the fifth budget of the present government in the state before the state assembly elections early next year.
This will be Uttar Pradesh's first paperless budget.
State Finance Minister Suresh Khanna is set to present the budget at 11 AM today.
All members of the State Legislature have been provided iPads to view the budget highlights which will also be available on two big screens put up in the House.
The Budget Session was commenced on February 18 with an address by Governor Anandiben Patel to a joint sitting of both houses. The session will continue till March 10.