Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Friday paid floral tributes to the policemen who lost their lives in an encounter at Bikaru village in the district, at the police line, and announced Rs 1 crore each compensation for their families.
Conveying his condolences to the families of those who died, the Chief Minister said: "In Kanpur encounter, our 8 policemen lost their lives and 2 criminals died. The sacrifice of our policemen will not go in vain. People responsible for this, will not be spared."
"The government will provide an commpensation of Rs 1 crore each to the families of those dead, pension and government job," Yogi Adityanath said.
A total of eight police personnel including Deputy Superintendent of Police Devendra Mishra lost their lives after they were fired upon by criminals in the early hours of Friday.
The incident took place when a police team had gone to raid notorious criminal Vikas Dubey's house.
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