Ahead of Holi, it was a riot of colours at a mass wedding in Lucknow on Thursday. The mass wedding of over 3,500 couples was organised by the Yogi Adityanath government. Described as a "world record" by Uttar Pradesh Labour Minister Swami Prasad Maurya, the mass wedding was organised as part of several welfare schemes run by the state government for economically-weaker sections of the society.
The couples wearing clothes in bright colours sat on carpets laid on the sprawling grounds, waiting for the priests to complete the rituals. Few Muslim women too tied the knot at the venue, which was abuzz with chants of Vedic mantras as well as Nikah vows "Qubool Hai" (I accept). A number of dishes was prepared in community kitchens for the occasion.
Yogi Adityanath, who completed four years in office, was present at the venue. Speaking on the occasion, the Chief Minister asked those present at the gathering to maintain social distance and wear masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Listing various welfare schemes for labourers, he said the government will soon ensure payment of Rs 2 lakh to any worker who dies while working.
The state labour minister said that as part of the mass wedding scheme, financial assistance is given under different heads. He said Rs 55,000 is given for the marriage of the daughter of a registered construction worker, in case of an inter-caste marriage Rs 65,000 is given and for getting married at a mass wedding venue Rs 75,000 is given.
Daughters of construction workers registered in Lucknow, Hardoi, Sitapur, Rae Bareli, Unnao, Lakhimpur Kheri and Barabanki districts got married at the mass wedding held according to customs and traditions.
The Chief Minister called several couples to the stage and blessed them. He also gave away the marriage certificates. After the marriage ceremony, several couples were seen taking photos at the 'selfie point'.
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