Condemning the bias against the girl child, Uttar Pradesh Governor Anandiben Patel on Monday said she is "ashamed" of women who carry a child in their womb for nine months and "throw" it away if it's a daughter.
Ms Patel was addressing a gathering of village heads, women, and farmers at an event in Banke Tara village. "I am ashamed of women who carry a child in their womb for nine months and throw it away if it's a daughter. Even God will not forgive such mothers," Ms Patel said.
"My daughter is raising one such child who is now a student of Class 10 and a football player," she said.
On the centre's Swachh Bharat Mission, Ms Patel said when Prime Minister Narendra Modi wielded the broom people followed him and started cleaning their areas.
A leader's working style has an impact on people, she said.
During her address, the Governor advocated the use of biofertilizers for people's health.
On the COVID-19 pandemic, Ms Patel advised people to remain cautious.
Even today, three to four new patients are being found in every district. In such a scenario, it is important for people to wear masks so that they don't get infected or pass on the infection to others, she said.
Uttar Pradesh on Monday recorded four COVID-19 fatalities, the lowest in over six months, which took the deaths to 8,580 while 379 fresh infections pushed the caseload to 5,96,904, according to officials.