Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the nation on Saturday - his first since the outbreak of the new variant of concern Omicron. In his sudden address to the nation, PM Modi reiterated the need to be extremely careful as people prepare to welcome the new year with hope and celebration amid rising cases of the highly contagious Omicron variant.
Here are the top quotes from PM Modi's address:
Infections are rising across several nations due to a new variant of Covid - Omicron. In India too, many people have been found to be infected with Omicron. I would urge all of you not to panic, be careful, and be alert. Masks and washing hands occasionally, remember these things: PM Modi
The experience of fighting the corona global epidemic so far shows that following all the guidelines at the individual level is a great weapon to combat corona. And the second weapon is vaccination. India started giving the vaccine to its citizens on January 16 this year. It is the collective effort and collective will of all the citizens of the country that today India has crossed the unprecedented and very difficult target of 141 crore vaccine doses. Today, more than 61 percent of India's adult population has received both doses of the vaccine. Similarly, about 90 percent of the adult population has received a single dose of the vaccine: PM Modi
Vaccinations will begin for children in the age group of 15 to 18 years from January 3: PM Modi
Corona warriors, healthcare, and frontline workers have a huge contribution in keeping the country safe in this fight. They still spend a lot of his time in the service of Covid patients. Therefore, from the point of view of precaution, the government has decided that to start administering "Precaution Doses" for healthcare and frontline workers on January 10: PM Modi
Those above 60 years of age with co-morbidities will also have the option of getting the "Precaution Dose" of the vaccine on the advice of their doctor. This will also be available from January 10: PM Modi