Indian Railways has responded to a passenger's tweet after he discovered that his booked window seat on a Vande Bharat train was actually an aisle seat when he boarded. The passenger took to social media platform X to share his grievance, posting a photo of his ticket, which clearly showed he had booked a window seat. However, a second image revealed that the seat in question was, in fact, an aisle seat, sparking the passenger's concern. Though he said he didn't have any problem with his current seat, he noted that the issue might create future seating inconveniences for other passengers.
"Just a gentle reminder to check seats 33 & 34 of C8 in 22435 for Window and Aisle Seating arrangement. I don't have any problem with my current seat but this might become a problem for future passengers," the tweet by Abhijeet Anand read.
See the tweet here:
Reacting to his tweet, Railways Seva said, "For necessary action escalated to the concerned official @Drm_dli. We request you to please share Mobile No. with us preferably via DM. You may also raise your concern directly on or dial 139 for speedy redressal."
Mr Anand thanked the Railways for the quick response and said that two people came and rectified the error. "Thank you for your prompt response. Two people came and addressed the issue of the incorrect seating arrangements. It is truly commendable that Indian Railways took action and marked the problem within 40 minutes," he wrote.
The Vande Bharat Express is an indigenously manufactured, semi-high-speed, self-propelled train set. It features modern amenities such as fully air-conditioned coaches, GPS-based passenger information systems, comfortable seating, and automatic doors. Designed for speeds of up to 180 km/h, it significantly reduces travel time between major cities.
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