Varalakshmi Vrat is being observed on the last Friday of the Sawan month before the Shravan Purnima. As per the Hindu calendar, this year, Varalakshmi Vrat is today. On this day, married women observe a day-long fast seeking blessing for their families. As per Hindu belief, Goddess Varalakshmi has the powers of Ashta Lakshmi (the eight forms of the Goddess Lakshmi). The day is celebrated mainly in several states of South and North India.
Varalakshmi Vrat 2021 Muhurat Timings:
Varalakshmi Vratam is today.
Simha Lagna Puja Muhurat - The morning tithi is from 05:53 am to 07:59 am
Vrischika Lagna Puja Muhurat - The afternoon tithi - 12:35 pm to 02:54 pm
Kumbha Lagna Puja Muhurat - This is the evening tithi. It will start at 06:40 pm and ends at 08:07 pm
Vrishabha Lagna Puja Muhurat - The timings for the midnight tithi are 11:07 pm to 01:03 am (August 21).
The muhurat timings are decided according to the sunrise. It may vary by a few minutes based on the local sunrise of the region.
Varalakshmi Vrat 2021 Puja Rituals:
While the fast is observed by married women, in particular, other members of the family can also fast on this day. They must wake up early in the morning, bathe and clean the house before performing the puja to welcome Goddess Varalakshmi. On the puja altar, one must set a copper or silver pot of water called the kalash or kalasam and decorate it with flowers, haldi (turmeric), vermilion, and sandalwood paste. The image of Goddess Varalakshmi is placed on this pot of water. Devotees offer fresh sweets and fruits to the deity and seek blessings.
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