A new Versova-Bandra sea link, which will be an extension of the Bandra-Worli Sea Link In Mumbai, got Maharashtra government's administrative approval on Monday. The approval comes eight years after the state cabinet committee on Infrastructure (SCCI) cleared it in 2009. The project would be crucial as it would help ease out the traffic situation in the western suburbs. The sea link would connect south Mumbai and the western suburbs by a series of roads and tunnels. A deadline for the project, however, has not been mentioned in the issued government resolution.
Here's all you need to know about Versova-Bandra sea link:
The Versova-Bandra sea link will be an extension of the Bandra-Worli Sea Link and would cost around Rs 7,502 crore.
The estimated length of the Versova-Bandra sea link will be about 17.17 km.
The government approved the design plan at a height of 900 meters from the coastline.
The main four by four lane bridge of Versova-Bandra sea link will be 9.60 km. The cable stayed bridge will be 0.30 km long and the Balance Cantilever Bridge will be 0.10 km long.
The Versova-Bandra sea link will have connectors at Bandra, Otters Club, Juhu Link Road and Versova Link Road
There will be toll plazas at Bandra, Carter Road, Juhu-Koliwada and at Nana-Nani Park.
The existing prevailing toll rates shall apply to the Versova-Bandra sea link and the concession period shall be up to 2052. The concession period will be revived as per the toll tax policy prevailing in future.
The Maharashtra State Road Development Corporation (MSRDC) will appoint two separate contractors for toll collection and repairs and maintenance of VBSL, as per the government resolution.
The government has also approved the Maharashtra State Road Development Corporation to set up Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) to raise loan.
The State Cabinet Committee on Infrastructure had cleared the Versova-Bandra sea link on August 18, 2009. However, it took another four years for the government to get the Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) and environment clearance from the Centre which were given in January 2013, as per an official.