VG Siddhartha, the founder of Cafe Coffee Day whose body was found 36 hours after he went missing from a bridge near Mangaluru in Karnataka, took place at one of his coffee estates at his village in Chikkamagaluru district this evening. Hundreds of people, including Karnataka Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa, senior Congress leader DK Shivakumar and other senior politicians, attended the funeral. VG Siddhartha's body was then taken to the Coffee Day Global Enterprises office in Chikkamgaluru on way to the village that is 150 kilometres from Mangaluru. VG Siddhartha was found dead on Wednesday morning after a massive search operation involving multiple agencies since Monday evening, when Mr Siddhartha went missing. The body had washed ashore the Netravati river near Ullal in Mangaluru and was found by fishermen at around 6:30 in the morning.
Here are the highlights on this big story:
In the moment of grief i paid my tribute to one of the pioneers in the coffee retail industry, the founder of Cafe Coffee Day & Former CM Sri S M Krishna's son in law, Sri. VG Siddartha. My heart goes out to his family. He will always be remembered.
- B.S. Yediyurappa (@BSYBJP) July 31, 2019