Raghav Chadha, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Rajya Sabha member, soaked up the Navratri festivities in Gujarat last night. In a video tweeted by Mr Chadha, the AAP leader can be seen doing the Garba at Navratri celebrations in Vadodara. Others present at the venue also joined him.
Mr Chadha later tweeted: "As Garba festivities during the holy Navratras unfold across Gujarat with unmatched enthusiasm, I had the pleasure of participating in one such event at Vadodara yesterday."
As Garba festivities during the holy Navratras unfold across Gujarat with unmatched enthusiasm, I had the pleasure of participating in one such event at Vadodara yesterday. pic.twitter.com/2YAciK5jQp
— Raghav Chadha (@raghav_chadha) October 2, 2022
आज वडोदरा में दिन की समाप्ति पे गरबा कार्यक्रम में हिस्सा लिया और मां अंबा से सबकी खुशहाली और अच्छे स्वास्थ्य की कामना की। pic.twitter.com/ubFxpm5teA
— Raghav Chadha (@raghav_chadha) October 1, 2022
Earlier, another video clip posted on social media showed Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann matching vibes with the Garba with his impromptu dance moves at a public function in Rajkot. With the audience cheering him on and urging him for some Bhangra moves as well, Mr Mann can be seen happily obliging the crowd.
With assembly elections scheduled to be held in Gujarat later this year, many of the top AAP leaders, including Delhi Chief Minister and AAP Convenor Arvind Kejriwal, have dug their heels in the state and have been conducting mass social-contact programmes in the poll-bound state for the last several months.
Navratri is the annual Hindu festival in which Goddess Durga is worshipped over nine nights, with Garba being the signature dance form of Gujarat, just like the 'Bhangra' is typically associated with Punjab.
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