Amid incessant rains that have submerged parts of Karnataka capital Bengaluru, a man was today rescued by local security guards after he was stuck on a waterlogged road, new agency ANI reported. Videos from the spot show a man struggling to stay afloat, even as his bag and shoes float around him on the road.
The incident is reportedly from near the Marathahalli-Silk Board junction road in Bengaluru. Men dressed in security guard uniforms, along with a few passers-by, can be seen pulling the man up to an excavator machine stationed on the road.
Four of those who rescued the man can be seen lifting him and carrying him away in knee-deep water.
Several areas in Bengaluru are waterlogged and roads submerged after heavy overnight rains, with traffic jams being reported at important junctions in the city. This is the second time in a week that the Karnataka state capital is witnessing such severe waterlogging.
The weather office has predicted heavy rainfall till September 9 across Karnataka, especially in Bengaluru, and coastal parts of the state. A Yellow alert has been issued in Kodagu, Shivamogga, Uttara Kannada, Dakshina Kannada, Udupi and Chikkamagaluru districts.