Eight passengers, including a child, were burnt to death after their car collided with a truck on the highway and caught fire late last night in Uttar Pradesh. The car, which was centrally locked, trapped the seven adults and a child to death in Bareilly, said police.
The burning car was spotted on the Nainital highway with the truck next to it, according to footage from the accident site. The doors of the car presumably got jammed after the accident and didn't open.
The car had veered into the opposite lane due to a punctured type and rammed a truck, said police. They said the car was already engulfed in fire by the time they reached the spot.
"The car collided with a truck on the highway near Bhojipura and got dragged, due to which it caught fire. It was centrally locked, hence the people inside lost their lives due to the fire," said Sushil Chandra Bhan Dhule, Senior Superintendent of Police, Bareilly.
The passengers were on their way to attend a wedding, he said, adding that their bodies have been sent for post-mortem.
Eyewitness accounts suggest the car was speeding and it broke a part of divider to reach the other side. The car belonged to a grocery shop owner named Sumit Gupta, who had lent it to the victims, police said, adding that all victims are yet to be identified.