A video of a brave Delhi Police constable catching a fleeing chain snatcher is going viral on social media. This arrest has helped the Delhi police get crucial tips in 11 pending cases on the basis of information gathered from the criminal, according to a tweet posted by them.
The constable's brave act prevented a woman from having her necklace stolen. Earlier, the Shahabad Dairy police station had reported a snatching to the police. To find the thief, Constable Satyendra proceeded to the scene.
The name of the constable is Satyendra, and the video of this incident was shared by the official account of the Delhi Police on Twitter.
The 19-second video has a caption in Hindi that, when translated to English, reads: "Irrespective of the threat to his life, constable Satyendra of Shahbad Dairy police station arrested a snatcher. With the arrest of this snatcher, 11 cases were solved. Legal proceedings are on.
In this footage, it can be seen that the constable was slowing down his bike as the criminal approached from the other side. The criminal becomes alarmed upon seeing the policeman and tries to flee the scene.
As soon as he approached, Delhi Police Constable Satyendra apprehended him. The constable's firm hold prevented the culprit from escaping despite his best efforts.
The brave officer is receiving praise from social media users who have left encouraging comments in the tweet's comment section.
"Superb. Well done, Delhi police, a proud moment," wrote one user.
"You are a brave soldier, Satyendra, and I am proud of you," commented another user.