Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath celebrated Holi in Gorakhpur today. In visuals, the Chief Minister, whose party recently swept UP for a second term of the BJP government, is seen throwing colours at a massive crowd. His supporters also came on the stage to put colours on the Chief Minister, as the crowds in Gorakhpur celebrated the spring festival today.
After two years of muted celebrations due to COVID-19, Holi was celebrated with traditional fervour across the country on Friday also.
People gathered in large numbers across states and played with water and colours and exchanged sweets.
"Greetings to all on the auspicious occasion of Holi, which symbolises joy and social harmony. May this festival bring colours of happiness and prosperity in everyone's life," Yogi Adityanath posted on Koo.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi also greeted people on Friday as the country celebrated Holi. "Wishing you all a very Happy Holi. May this festival of colours, which is a symbol of mutual love, affection and brotherhood, bring every colour of happiness in your life," PM Modi said.
The BJP's win in UP again is a significant indicator of what would happen in the 2024 national elections. With 80 parliamentary seats, Uttar Pradesh holds the key to power at the centre and could offer clues to the national mood before the 2024 general election.
Home to about a fifth of India's 135 crore people, UP sends the most legislators to parliament of any state.
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