Four college students were detained by the Ghaziabad police after a video of their stunts on a car in Rajnagar Extension's streets went viral on social media. From the CCTV footage, the police were able to identify the students and take legal action. Police officials have also seized the Maruti Brezza car involved in the stunt.
The four students were seen driving a car at a fast pace and causing a ruckus by hanging out of the windows in the viral footage.
As the car circled the urban jungle, loud music was playing. The police swung into action when the video went viral.
Police examined the video from more than twenty CCTV cameras and identified the students using surveillance data.
"On May 8, a video of Rajnagar Extension went viral in which four people were seen creating a ruckus and doing stunts on a road. The police have arrested the accused and seized the car involved in it," said ACP Nandgram Ravi Kumar Singh.
— POLICE COMMISSIONERATE GHAZIABAD (@ghaziabadpolice) May 8, 2023
कमिश्नरेट गाजियाबाद पुलिस टीम द्वारा राजनगर एक्स0 रोड पर गाड़ी ब्रेजा से खतरनाक तरीके से स्टंट करने वाले अभियुक्तगण को किया गया गिरफ्तार~एसीपी नन्दग्राम ।@Uppolice
The names of the arrested accused are Kaushar Rahman, Krishna Ankan, Tushar Singh, and Ashutosh.
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