The Haryana police are yet to catch a man who opened fire outside a nightclub in Panchkula despite knowing his name and address, and having access to CCTV footage of the incident showing the entire sequence of events from the early hours of Sunday. Police have registered two cases - an attempt to murder case against the shooter, and the other against the owner for keeping the premises open beyond the permissible time limit of 1 am.
Ludhiana resident Mohit had on Sunday come to "Coco Cafe And Lounge" with three other people, one of them a woman.
In the video footage of the incident, he can be seen along with the woman outside the establishment at 4:40 am. They walk towards the parking lot when Mohit suddenly pulls out a pistol from his trousers and accidentally fires once. The bullet hits one of the two men who had come with him.
The footage shows Mohit signalling them to go away even as the man who was hit falls to the ground clutching his foot while the other person tries to help him get up.
Moments later, Mohit trained his gun on the club's bouncers. He fired at them despite his woman friend trying to stop him.
The bouncers then snatched the pistol from him. However, all four, including the injured man, escaped.