In recent days several railway passengers have been taking to social media to show the dire condition of trains. Now, an X user shared his shocking experience on Jnaneswari Express. The passenger, who booked a seat on the First AC coach, claimed that his suitcases placed under the seat were damaged by rodents. He shared pictures and videos showing how his train travel at a premier coach went wrong. He also mentioned in his post that he was unable to approach a railway official to complain about the issue he faced. The incident took place on Sunday aboard Train 12102 which shuttles between Kolkata and Mumbai.
"Train 12102 Departed on 19th May Coach H1 Seat A-2. PNR 6535087042. Suitcases damaged by rodents. Trying to the TC for half hour to lodge complaint," X user CG_bharatiya wrote.
Take a look below:
The X user shared the post just a few hours back. Since then, it has accumulated more than 200 views. The post also caught the attention of Railway Seva, the official account for support to passengers. They directed him to share his details with them so that they could look into the matter and assist him. "We're concerned to hear this & would like to help ASAP. We will require your mobile no. preferably via DM," Railway Seva wrote.
Meanwhile, in the comments section, users expressed their dismay over the lack of a swift and efficient complaint resolution process. Some users even voiced concerns about the safety and hygiene standards aboard the train, while others shared similar incidents.
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"should we laugh at the apathy of passengers travelling in First AC or express our Anger on Indian Railways," wrote one user. "Railway should compensate to the passengers for such damage. When they are charging in the name of best services in the world," commented another.
"Did you have food in the bag? I had a similar encounter where rats attacked my bag that had sweets and food, while the other bags were untouched. I learned my lesson: whenever I travel, especially in an AC coach,I take out the food from my bag and hang it separately to avoid," shared one user. "Oh gosh!!!! This is horrendous," expressed a fourth user.